
What is rating?

Rating is a way of comparing skill level between opponents. After each match, rating points are added or subtracted from a player's rating. Winning against opponents with higher ratings give more rating points than winning against opponents with lower ratings.

Each new player is assigned a rating of between 1400 and 1600. Then the rating is adjusted automatically and becomes more reliable the more matches registered. All types of matches give rating points, even friendly games.

If you practice different sports, you get a separate rating per sport.

Qualify for rating

In order for a player to get a rating, the player must have activated his account. This happens when the player logs in for the first time. Rating is then given after the first match is registered, that is qualified for rating. Every player will start with a rating value of 1400 to 1600. The exact value depends on things such as the entry level in a competition. If players starts at the wrong level, it does not matter much. The system quickly adapts automatically. For example, if you get too low a rating, you climb faster when you win.

Rating points

When a result is reported and qualified for rating, both opponents are assigned rating points. Most often, the winner gets new rating points while the loser loses rating points. An opponent with a high rating is expected to win against an opponent with a low rating. Therefore, an expected winner is assigned a low rating point, while an unexpected winner is assigned a high rating point.

For a result to be qualified for rating, it cannot be Walk Over. Also, each opponent must have at least 1 player with an account activated.

How many points you can get for a match depends on 4 things:

Expectation (difference in rating)

If the result is expected, then low rating points are assigned. But if the result is unexpected then a high rating point are assigned.

Match type

A match in an organized competition gives a higher rating point than in a friendly match, usually twice as much. But friendly matches, on the other hand, can be played more often.


A win with, for example, 3-0 gives more than a win with 3-2. Half the rating points assigned are given to the winner, the rest is divided depending on the result.


There are 3 levels of reliability:

  • Low reliability

  • Some reliability

  • High reliability

If you have played 1-4 games in 6 months you have low reliability. If you have played 5-8 games in 6 months you have some reliability. And if you have played over 8 games in 6 months you have high reliability.

Reliability exists for two reasons. One reason is for other players to be able to see that the level you see may not be entirely true yet. The second reason is that a player with low or certain reliability has greater weight than a player with high reliability. Weight means that if the player wins, then a higher rating point is assigned. If the player loses then a lower rating point is awarded. The effect from a match is bigger. This is done in over to get player to his or her level faster, when the player has just started playing or comes back after injury or similar. After each match played, reliability increases.

Team and rating

Teams do not have their own rating, but is based on the team members' rating. The two players with the higherst rating in the team, regardless of regular or reserve, constitute the team's rating. The rating becomes the mean value between these two.

If the rating changes for these two players, or if another player gets a higher rating, the team's rating will also change. If the team has only one player, it is that player who makes up the team's rating. Therefore, if the team contains no player at all, the team has no rating. This also means that no rating points are assigned at all in a match where any team is missing players.

After a match between two teams, the rating points are calculated by comparing each player's own rating and reliability, with the opponent team rating.

When is the rating updated?

The rating is updated at an interval of 15 minutes. So it can take anything from a minute to 15 minutes or longer, if the load is high.

Last updated